Easy Steps to Enhance Imagination and Innovation

Black Girl drinking coffee

What Is Creativity?

Does this question ever cross your head? Why is everything thriving to be creative? What is in it? Is it just the ability to create something unique or is there something more to it? Think about two painters working on the same piece of art – one using water-based color and the other painter using only a pencil. Aren’t both just as creative? Creativity is beyond just thinking outside the box. It is a collection of gathered experience, information, knowledge, and thoughts. When all of these are modified into an original idea with one’s personal touch, it is defined as creative. It is the ability to go beyond conventional boundaries and create something beautiful and meaningful with resources that surround you allowing your mind and inner self to take control of your deeds. 

Creativity isn’t limited to only artists and musicians, it is a broad concept. Everyone can be creative and can create something out of the ordinary for it is a necessary and basic skill for problem-solving, giving solutions to innovations. It doesn’t matter if you’re a writer, a business, or just a student. Your creative mind can do wonders for the organization you devote your work to.  Here’s how to unlock more of your creative potential by just inducing these simple steps into your daily routine.

KEEP SOME SOLITUDE IN YOUR ROUTINED LIFE: A scheduled lifestyle is productive. However, there are times when you are too busy following your work routine, it leaves you no space for yourself. Everything takes up the chart and you just keep working and meeting deadlines. A creative mind needs time to boost. For you to do something that requires creativity, you need to spend some time with yourself. Ask yourself questions and try imagining things with your approach to it.

GO BEYOND THE HORIZON: Comfort zones are meant to be broken in case of creativity. Try engaging yourself in smart or fun activities. Take part in creative competitions. New experiences expose us to a different kind of world boosting our imaginative minds by breaking conventional thoughts.

JOURNAL YOUR THOUGHTS: Keep your diary or notebook always with you. There are many instances in a day when you’ll encounter a new kind of experience. Don’t let that go to waste, note it down briefly and shape your thoughts later into something beautiful.

GIVE YOURSELF A CHALLENGE: Our minds work best under pressure and intriguing challenges. Whether in a team or not, opt for smart activities and challenges that require you to think. Set a timer and start brainstorming ideas; later, fish for the ones that you like the most to create something different.

SET LIMITS TO CERTAIN WORK: Working constantly under pressure is not good for your creativity. Setting limitations can help improve your thinking about going out 

of the box.

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