The Reality of Instagram Account Hacking

Instagram logo on a mobile screen

Many people search on Google for “How to hack Instagram account” and similar queries.

There are countless articles on hacking Instagram accounts, and you can even find free or paid software, programs, and cracker links promising to hack them. But what’s the reality of hacking Instagram accounts?

Many people are impressed by the term “hacking account.” They think there are incredibly talented people known as hackers who can do anything, including hacking anyone’s Instagram account. They believe hackers have some super technique to hack accounts. But in reality, the scenario is completely different. The biggest fact about hacking Instagram accounts is that 99% of accounts are hacked due to the victim’s carelessness or lack of knowledge. The techniques involved in hacking victim accounts include keyloggers, phishing, social engineering, and clickjacking.

When people search for “how to hack Instagram” or “software for hacking Instagram,” they are on the right track to understanding the risks, but they might end up becoming victims themselves.

The Reality Behind Hacking Instagram Accounts

When you sign up for an Instagram account, your password is stored in only two places:

  1. Instagram’s database
  2. Your mind

Stealing a password from Instagram’s database is quite a tough task. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it’s impossible for an average person. So, the remaining option is to steal the password from you. Here are some ways to protect your Instagram account from being hacked:

  1. Phishing: The most common way of hacking accounts is phishing. The common type of phishing is a fake login page. The victim is tricked into entering their credentials on a fake login page that resembles the genuine Instagram login page and gets hacked. To stay safe from phishing, always check the URL before logging in.
  2. Keylogger: This is a common technique used even by newbies for hacking accounts. It simply stores whatever you type. Always use antivirus software on your system and avoid installing unnecessary software.
  3. Social Engineering: There is no patch for human stupidity. It is the hardest form of attack to defend against. The best way to stay safe is to never share your password with anyone.
  4. Clickjacking: This is a popular technique used to steal passwords, mainly on Instagram. Many people collect likes for posts, followers, or subscribers by tricking users into clicking on malicious links.

Do Any Free/Paid Software/Programs/Crackers Exist to Hack Instagram Accounts?

No. You might find countless free or premium software that claim to crack Instagram accounts. These programs ask you to enter the victim’s email and start cracking or generating passwords. As mentioned, a password is stored in only two places. How would these programs retrieve it? Such software is undoubtedly a scam.

Is There Any Premium Online Service to Hack Instagram Accounts?

No. Many websites claim to crack any Instagram account for a fee. These are completely fraudulent. Don’t lose your money on them!

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