Do you know about death of human jobs ?? robots will take our jobs and we have to find a way. an increasing number of people will lose in this new economy as their skill becomes automatable or easily outsourced, the workforce is more likely to shift towards more part-time, freelance-based work. there are others who will not only survive but thrive!
The future of work won’t be about degrees. More and more, it’ll be about skills. And no one school, whether it be Harvard, General Assembly or Udacity, can ever insulate us from the unpredictability of technological progression and disruption.
Three Types of people are poised to succeed in this new world :
- The Superstars of your Industry
- The High-Skilled Workers
- The Owners
Let’s talk about them one by one.
The Superstars of your Industry :
A small company looking for a computer programmer or public relations consultant now has access to an international marketplace of talent in the same way that the advent of the record store allowed the small-town music fan to bypass local musicians to buy albums from the world’s best brands. The superstar effect, in other words, has a broader application today than Rosen could have predicted thirty years ago. An increasing number of individuals in our economy are now competing with the rock stars of their sectors.
It no longer makes sense, for example, to hire a full-time programmer, put aside office space, and pay benefits, when you can instead pay one of the world’s best programmers, for just enough time to complete the project at hand. In this scenario, companies probably get a better result for less money, while that person can service many more clients per year, and will therefore also end up better off. This same trend holds for the growing number of fields where technology makes productive remote work possible — consulting, marketing, writing, design, and so on. Once the talent market is made universally accessible, those at the peak of the market thrive while the rest suffer.
The High-Skilled Workers :
Advances such as Robotics, ML, AI are automating many low-skilled positions, but as these economists emphasize, “other technologies like data visualization, analytics, high-speed communications, and rapid prototyping have augmented the contributions of more abstract and data-driven reasoning, increasing the values of these jobs.” In other words, those with the oracular ability to work with and tease valuable results out of increasingly complex machines will thrive.
The key question will be : are you good at working with intelligent machines or not ?
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The Owners :
The final group that will thrive in our new economy — the group consists of those with capital to invest in the new technologies that are driving the Great Restructuring. digital technology reduces the need for labor in many industries, the proportion of the rewards returned to those who own the intelligent machines is growing. A venture capitalist in today’s economy can fund a company like Instagram, which was eventually sold for a billion dollars, while employing only thirteen people.

When else in history could such a small amount of labor be involved in such a large amount of value? With so little input from labor, the proportion of this wealth that flows back to the machine owners — in this case, the venture investors — is without precedent.
The question we must now face is the obvious one:
How does one join these winners?
To become a member of one of the first two groups, you need two core abilities :
The ability to produce at an elite level, in terms of both quality and speed.
The ability to quickly master hard things.